Hey folks, sorry it's been a minute. The good news is as of this writing, I am actually fairly close to clearing out the remainder of my medical debt, which would never have been possible without your generous contributions. The less good news is that the knock-on effects from that entire situation plus just the kind of general shittiness of our sociopolitical time period have done a number on my base motivation for art. I feel like for the past year or so I've been orbiting some kind of supermassive black hole, an insidious, invisible force that's been holding me down because my desire to produce more art is constantly being overpowered by... well something that I still really can't quite put a name to.
But I think that's the crux of it, the desire is still there, and I do want to see this project through to completion, through hell or high water (both of which seem to be in increasing supply these days). I'll be out of the country for March, visiting family in Asia and hopefully doing a full mental reboot. I have tentative plans for another comic in the vein of One In A Million and then concluding Chapter 5 after I return to the United States (provided the FAA isn't fully dissolved at that point and my airplane goes straight into the earth upside-down); I don't want to promise anything at this point but I would also like to eventually start posting more art to my Patreon, and make some changes to the way I do comic previews and the like. I appreciate each and every one of you who contribute to the Patreon or even just read the comic in general; from the bottom of my heart, thanks for sticking with me and know that despite everything that's happened since my health betrayed me, I have no plans to abandon this project just yet.
The pencil is there, and it wants to be used.