Happy 4th Brandor to A Distant Sky

It turns out Toocheke changed the way its feeds work so I’ve fixed the menu link to point to the correct feed for comics. If you’ve been trying to get comic updates via RSS, you’ll have to update the link to this one: https://adistantsky.com/comic/feed/
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience!
So the good news is that I’m fully vaccinated now, the bad news is that round 2 of said vaccination really took the wind out of my sails and so Monday’s page will be going up on Tuesday instead. Thanks for your patience!
Well folks, it finally happened. For the first time since I switched over to Adobe Animate from Flash CS5.5, my software ate a project file. Thankfully, I have a recovery file so the whole thing wasn’t lost, but it does mean that Chapter 3 – Page 17 will have to go up on Thursday the 18th, rather than Wednesday as planned. Sorry for the delay, we should be back on our regularly scheduled program soon!
Hello, friends! I’m pleased to announce that A Distant Sky has now been running for pretty much exactly one month, and I have absolutely no intentions of slowing down. If you would like to support my endeavors both regarding the comic as well as my radio station, why not consider becoming a patron? Patrons can receive access to such exciting things as page previews, entire comic pages 24 hours in advance, access to the song request interface for Radio Skvortsov, and my undying gratitude.
Welcome to A Distant Sky.